När ChatGPT berättar om vintercykling

There was a cyclist named Max who loved to ride his bike through the park every day. He would wake up early in the morning, put on his helmet and cycling shoes, and set out for his daily ride.

One winter morning, Max woke up to a thick layer of snow covering the ground. He was determined to continue his daily routine, so he bundled up in his warmest cycling gear and set out on his bike.

As he pedaled through the park, he noticed that the ground felt different than usual. It was smooth and slippery, and his tires were having trouble gripping the surface. But Max thought nothing of it and assumed it was just the snow making the ground slick.

As he continued cycling, he noticed that he was gliding more and pedaling less. He looked down and was surprised to see that he was no longer on his bike, but instead, he was wearing ice skates.

Max was confused but continued to glide along the smooth, icy surface. He found that he was actually quite good at ice skating and began to perform tricks and spins, feeling exhilarated.

After some time, Max finally realized that he had accidentally stumbled upon the park’s frozen pond, which had frozen over due to the winter weather. He had been ice skating all along, thinking he was cycling.

Max was amazed by his newfound skill and decided to take up ice skating as a new hobby. He continued to skate every day, feeling grateful for the happy accident that led him to discover a new passion.

From that day on, Max never assumed anything without taking a closer look. He learned to stay open to new experiences and to embrace unexpected changes. And he continued to enjoy both cycling and ice skating, knowing that each brought him a unique joy and sense of freedom.


Sedan flera år har Velodooms medlemmar cyklat även på vintern. Vintercyklingen består oftast av pendling till och från arbetet på vägar som både är oplogade, plogade, sandade eller sopsaltade. Dessa förutsättningar sliter enormt på cykeln men gör att vårsäsongen aldrig behöver börja eftersom höstsäsongen aldrig har slutat. Benen får dessutom extra utmaning när vindarna ofta är starkare kombinerat med det extra rullmotståndet vinterdäck, sand och snö har.

För den oinvigde vintercyklisten väntar nedkyldhet, avdomnad i nedre regioner, vurpor och växlar som ständigt är dåliga. Det sistnämnda växer däremot aldrig bort av erfarenheten då det av självbevarelsedriften inte lämpar sig att byta kedja och kassett mitt i vintern. Det kan däremot vara en idé att spara gamla kassetter och kedjor inför vintern då de slits snabbt. Så om din granne har en påse med gamla 50-75% slitna drivlinedetaljer som ska slängas så ta hand om dessa och bjud grannen på kaffe som tack! Detta blev min räddning denna vintern när växlarna i veckan gav upp totalt. Så nu sitter det 50% slitna ultegradetaljer på vintercykeln. Mycket trevligt.